Krystyna Burczyk's Origami Gallery - octahedron

I have built the following models using Tomoko Fuse's edge module (open frame 2).


  1. Cube - 12 modules.
  2. Octahedron - 12 modules.
  3. Icosahedron - 30 modules.
  4. Triangle prism - 9 modules.


  1. Regular tetrahedron, edge length 2. It contains the inscribed octahedron, edge length 1 (the darker modules). The model built of 24 modules.
  2. Octahedron - 12 modules.
  3. Semi-regular truncated tetrahedron - 42 modules.
  4. Truncated tetrahedron (not semi-regular). There are tetrahedrons with edge length 1 truncated from tetrahedron with edge length 4. The model built of 84 modules.
  5. Truncated tetrahedron (not semi-regular). There are tetrahedrons with edge length 1 truncated from tetrahedron with edge length 5. The model built of 142 modules.

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